Wednesday, March 25, 2009


It was a cold friday night and little jane was struggling to decide on how to spend her night. All her friends were out together eating at applebees, but no one decided to call her. Dissapointed and alone, Jane knew she had to make the best of it. But what on earth could she possibly do? Tossing and turning in her bed aggitated her even more and she began to think about where her life was headed. The honor roll was nothing new to Jane and she decided that it was within herself to rise out of gloom and stand up to boredom.

Frantically searching her room and house, Jane came across a dmall cupboard filled with old drawing utensils and paper that seemed to be designed for artists such as Picasso or even Rembrant. Willing to do anything Jane decided that she was going t attempt to draw a castle with a young lady like herself standing by the window waiting to be saved by an adventerous prince. Imagination? Or maybe even destiny. The several weeks that it took Jane to draw this masterpeice landed her a spot in a top notch gallery where her art would be on display for many to see.

A great imagination led to passion, and finally to a new calling. Jane found her true self in art, and knew what she was put on earth to do. To imagine...and to paint.

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