Wednesday, March 25, 2009


It was a cold friday night and little jane was struggling to decide on how to spend her night. All her friends were out together eating at applebees, but no one decided to call her. Dissapointed and alone, Jane knew she had to make the best of it. But what on earth could she possibly do? Tossing and turning in her bed aggitated her even more and she began to think about where her life was headed. The honor roll was nothing new to Jane and she decided that it was within herself to rise out of gloom and stand up to boredom.

Frantically searching her room and house, Jane came across a dmall cupboard filled with old drawing utensils and paper that seemed to be designed for artists such as Picasso or even Rembrant. Willing to do anything Jane decided that she was going t attempt to draw a castle with a young lady like herself standing by the window waiting to be saved by an adventerous prince. Imagination? Or maybe even destiny. The several weeks that it took Jane to draw this masterpeice landed her a spot in a top notch gallery where her art would be on display for many to see.

A great imagination led to passion, and finally to a new calling. Jane found her true self in art, and knew what she was put on earth to do. To imagine...and to paint.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Out Sick

Senior year is a great year filled with all new activities, experiences, and responsibilities. The year goes on until many seniors realize that at many times they do not need to be in school. So the attendance office finds out that for some strange reason many kids happen to be out sick on particular days. All it takes is a convincing mouth to talk to your parents and have them call the school to sign you out. Just yesterday i was with one of my friends who easily did this in a matter of two minutes.

So what goes on when a student goes home for being "out sick"? Well that all depends on the student. The good ones might go home to just be lazy and sleep, while on the other hand others might leave to get drunk, blaze, or even to rip. Catchin a mid day sesh is a great feeling and many enjoy this. Sometimes kids get called out sick to run errands like go to the DMV or even to go see a movie. No matter what you decide to do being out sick is always better than being in school.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Map Poem

Teenagers dancing, I need a brake. Jet to the bathroom, take a piss and wash my hands. Sweet whose shoes are those? Oh hey man. Sweet Shoes. Violent thrusts to the torso and other body parts are followed by hate, death, and corruption. How on earth could this have happened?

A soul floats up, uneasy and restless wondering what just happened, only to see the deceased body lying on the floor, in a puddle of blood. A life taken, and a man walks out as though nothing happened and continues to roam on. Wondering throughout the air, in a swift effortless motions the soul realizes what has just happened. Death. Dishonor. Illusion. Or is it real? But how on earth, could this have happened?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Afterlife

Gary Soto is a very crazy man. As a progress deep into his book "The Afterlife" I couldn't help but wonder where he got this insane idea from. The book is about how an innocent teenager named Chuy goes to a club, tells a man he has nice yellow sneakers, and proceeds to get brutally stabbed several times in the torso. Sick right? Well maybe that's what just goes on in the hood, guys just get clapped for being nice. After Chuy gets stabbed he finds himself to become a ghost in which he realizes he can just float along with the wind. In addition to floating along with the wind he can go through cars and even the ground, of course with a little effort none the less. With these new "powers"Chuy embarks on several escapades throughout his city leading him to find his killer. At the sight of his killer he grabs the murderers heart and begins to twist. This of course does not kill the man, but allows him to feel a differnt type of pain...not felt on this earth. The story so far continues on until Chuy finds another person just like him, who just so happens to be a very pretty girl. Now this girl killed herself and her body has yet to be found in her car, in which she OD on pills. Psycho girl also happens to have two boyfriends who scrap with each other blaming the other one for the death of their girlfriend. I am up to the part where they are now just roaming the city together and Chuy begins to loose some of his legs that just turn invisible. Lets see what happens next, maybe the kid comes back to life? Maybe its all just a dream. Who knows.